Regular Town Council Meeting 7-15-24


Executive Session - Personnel per 1 M.R.S.A. §405(6)(A) 00:00:22




100. Hold a Joint Public Hearing to Hear Comments on the Proposed Zoning Text Amendments in Section 5 of the Brunswick Zoning Ordinance Regarding the Streamlined Development Review Process 00:56:13

101. Hear Public Comments on a Special Amusement License 01:25:56

102. Hear Public Comments on a Liquor License 01:28:19

103. Consider Entering into an Employment Agreement with Julia Henze as Brunswick Town Manager 01:30:03

104. Consider Consenting to the Town Manager’s Appointment of Branden Perreault as Finance Director 01:49:31

105. Consider Giving Their Consent of an Intertidal Lease Application for Mere Point Oyster Co. and Dana Smith per 12 MRSA §6072(3) 01:58:50

106. Consider “A Resolution Appropriating $300,000 from the State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds for Use in the Affordable Housing Support Fund to Fund a Recommended $600,000 Grant to Blueberry Fields Cooperative” 02:56:28

107. Consider Applications and a Requested Fee Waiver for Events on the Town Mall and in Brunswick Sponsored by the Brunswick Downtown Association 03:33:47

108. Consider Setting a Public Hearing for August 5, 2024, to Consider Amendments to the Parking Fines in the Master Schedule of Revenues, Charges, Fees and Fines, Appendix B of the Municipal Code of Ordinances 03:40:02

109. Consider Setting a Public Hearing for August 5, 2024, to Consider Amendments to the Planning and Development Fees in the Master Schedule of Revenues, Charges, Fees and Fines, Appendix B of the Municipal Code of Ordinances 03:43:13

110. Consider Appointing a Representative to Maine Municipal Association’s Legislative Policy Committee 03:45:58

111. Consider Electing Carrie Weeman, Deputy Clerk for the Town of Freeport, as One of the Two Senate District 23 Representatives for the Maine Municipal Association’s Legislative Policy Committee 03:48:23

112. Consider Appointments to the Town’s Boards and Committees 03:50:50



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